Monday, August 14, 2006

The Fundamentals

Today we had to be up and in Elliot Hall of Music (henceforth ELLT) by 8:30, supposedly to attend a convocation for people doing the Freshman weeklong orientation, Boiler Gold Rush. When I woke up, though, it was cloudy... when I started to walk to ELLT it started to pour. So I ran from tree to tree, taking shelter as often as I could. Anyway, the covocation thing didn't start until like 9:30, and it was in the ELLT auditorium. that was a purdue sports convocation so it was pretty boring and LONG. After that we played in the orchestra room until lunch, mostly warm-ups and hail purdue. After lunch, which we had an hour and a half, we were required to meet on the co-rec field, which is the intramural sports field, which is a 15 minute walk from ELLT... yeah, that was a bit tiring. Once out there we started learning Purdue-style marching: standard Attention, left-face, right-face, horns up and down, mark time, the glide? step, the lo-chair step and the hi-chair step, which i struggled with. They had us out on that field until 4:30, with barely any break. From 4:30 to 6:30 we had dinner, then we met back out on the marching band practice field, which is right next to the co-rec field, and we reviewed the stuff we learned earlier, only with the drums and auxilary band (flags), and we did some 8-to-5 stuff (that's 8 steps to 5 yards). Then we went back to ELLT for some more playing, and we just got out of there about a half-an-hour ago. They pushed us to the limit......
Oh yeah, and a tip... don't turn your fridge so cold that your milk freezes....its a pretty bad deal if you do, trust me, I found that out.

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