Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Up late with Homework....

I'm trying to do all the homework I can so I get all the bonus I can and so I don't miss anything and therefore get points taken off. I just now stopped working on some stuff for ENGR126H, so yeah... that's gonna be a pretty intense course I guess.
anyway, yesterday we didn't march during band class, we just sat on the Elliot Hall of Music stage and listened to people talk about how to wear our uniforms properly and also how our grade was going to be calculated, and what kind of things would lose us "quality points". Then we spent the rest of the time playing music on the stage, some old, some new... we played music from The Incredibles, that was pretty tough stuff. Today, we did have to march, though, and it was actually okay because we were basically getting misted the whole time... there was never any heavy or even real rain, just like a fine mist that varied in intensity and was falling the entire time we were out on the field. It was refreshing...
For our Chem Lab tomorrow, we were given the objective of measuring the volume of a gas at different temperatures, and we didn't even get a scale.... we have to write an experiment outline, which is due right once we get into the Lab on Wednesday. I thought all weekend about how exactly I was supposed to measure the volume of a gas... and I finally came up with the answer today, I was so proud of myself. So thats done....
I think thats probably all for now.... I'm looking foward to the game on Saturday, we are going to beat the sycamores into a woody pulp.... ;)

Sunday, August 27, 2006

A Waste of time...

Well, I feel like the last two days have been a complete waste of my time. I basically just sat around and did nothing. I got a shower.... does that count as something? Maybe I did homework, but I really got nothing accomplished. Yes, I went to church this morning, at University Church again.... And then did nothing else. I put in an order for my engineering book that I'm missing hopefully the bookstore will get it in soon.
Friday night was a different story. Since it was our last free weekend in quite a while, the trumpets had another trumpet night out.... about 30 or 35 of us met at 7:30 and headed to Brookston, IN, which is about 15 min. away. We went to a little mom and pop cafe/ice cream shop owned by one trumpet's aunt. We had "Redneck Sundaes" which was a Pop-Tart fried and stuck in a bowl of ice cream... it was REALLY GOOD! I had a raspberry pop-tart in chocolate ice-cream... So, basically, that was my weekend. We did get the entire pre-game show and the half-time show on the field in one week, which is evidentally pretty good. Well, thats about it...