Monday, August 21, 2006

Lazy Day...

Just to clarify, this is sunday's post. Yes, I've taken my first class, which went fine, but right now I don't know when I'll get a chance to post again, because I don't know how intense things will get this week.
So yesterday, I slept in till 12:00 and I didn't go to church, and I kind of feel bad about it, but I'm sure God understands my severe need for sleep. anyway, hopefully I won't have to skip anymore. Anyway, after I woke up, I had to eat lunch and go to a survey thing conducted by UCLA for all the incoming freshmen, they wanted to know everything about our opinions and stuff. I flew through it, because the survey was at 2:00, and I had a welcome reception for the first-year engineering honors program at 2:30, so that was pulling it close, but I made it. That reception lasted forever, and then I had a floor meeting where they gave us more general information about Cary Club, the residence government, and the ground rules, and what our R.A. had planned for us as far as activities, and stuff like that. That was at 5:00. After that I was free, so after that I went out for pizza (students get a $6 discount on a large pizza from pizza hut!), played some ping-pong and foosball, and just sat around socializing. that was pretty much my day from start to finish.
This morning.... 7:30 classes are chilly, I found that out. Note to self: wear jeans on Wednesday.

1 comment:

I Eat Dentists said...

I am getting flashbacks of Taylor... walking to class in -20 degree weather. The buildings were much closer there than at Purdue. Lets hope all that brick holds some heat. Think long-johns.

Ya know where the historical roots of the word "Testimony" came from??? Look it up. Unfortunately, when I hear someone at chuch wanting a "testimony", I will laugh. I guess Michael Jackson gives a lot of "testimonies".

Tip of the day...
If you see a carload of hoosiers with guns, RUN!