It's my second full weekend here in Texas, and I'm inside, not enjoying the sunshine. To be fair, I took a book and sat outside for a half an hour and tried to read this morning, but after about a half hour i started to break out in a sweat, so I went back inside. I guess I can still enjoy the sunshine from inside, but I love being outside in this weather. Its interesting that they don't provide that many places to just sit outside around here.
While I'm on the subject of the weather around here, its a lot different. In Indiana, thunderstorms roll, rain thunder lighting and do their thing, and then sweep right back out again, and all in about 15 minutes, usually. Here in Texas, I haven't seen that happen. The skies get darker and darker, almost to the point where you think the sun is setting, and then you start to hear the thunder, and then the rain slowly starts, gets harder and harder, etc. It takes like 2 hours for the storm to roll in, and then another 3 for it to end and roll back out again. This has happened several times, so my impression is that that is the norm.
On other subjects: I was able to get a library card and check out some light reading from the library. This is an enormous relief, because I really have had way too much time on my hands some days. I also paid a reasonable amount for a gym membership here at the university. It's based on a per-day, so I hope that because I already paid for every day, I feel compelled to go because the day is already paid for. So... here's hoping.
As far as my research goes, I now have a direction. It turns out that I don't really have to come up with a new theory, just an inventive way to implement an idea he came up with, i.e. write code that performs the semantic caching the old way and his new way, and compare the two. So, shouldn't be too immensely tough, but enough of a challenge to where i won't get bored.
As for everything else, well, at this point there is nothing else. I got paid this week....yup, that's about it.
Microsoft Cloud Gaming Revealed
6 years ago