Thursday, August 24, 2006

All Cleared Up

Okay, evidentally it was just me having the problem. I use Mozilla's Firefox browser, and evidentally, it was just firefox that was making it look like I hadn't updated my blog, and just on my computer. So now I just use IE whenver I want to edit my blog. So everything's fine....
I'm posting this right now because I have a rather large break until Speech class at 2:30, and I have really no homework, so I'm taking advantage of that and updating. Though... nothing really exciting has happened. I did pick up my Math textbook, which came in on Tuesday, so that's good... I have a Calc book of my own now. I also had a Chem lab yesterday, that takes the place of band on Wednesdays. It got out early, though, so I ran down to the marching field so I wouldn't miss much... I actually didn't miss any of the actual new drills that we learned. It was really hot, though, and I sweated up a storm... I was afraid I was going to get dehydrated. I'm going to have to take better care of myself.
Well the week is almost over... one more day of school, and then the weekend.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Having Problems

I'm having trouble posting to the right page... for some reason Blogger isn't letting me post to my main page... instead its putting all my posts in my archive for the week of the 20th instead of on my front page. This is basically just a test post to see if reposting will help things out any.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

An Odd Day

Today was an odd day. I didn't have any class until 9:30, so I got up at a reasonable hour and ate breakfast before class. Then I headed off to chemistry recitation, which was definately not worthless, since the TA covered stuff the professor wasn't going to bother with covering in class. Then after I got out of class, I went and traded in a worthless Response Pad for my engineering class-- it seems I didn't have the right one. So I did that at University Bookstore, then walked to Follet's Bookstore near the stadium to get several things for my Chem lab on Wednesday, and the NEW response pad that we needed to have. After I got through all that, I still had a quite a bit of time left before my next class at 2:30, so I got all my stuff together and went down to the basement and did laundry, which was great to get out of the way on a Tuesday afternoon when practically no one else was trying to use it. It didn't take me too long, and when I got done I still had time to go eat and clean up before my speech class at 2:30. Speech was fine, should be fun if I actually try to enjoy myself in there. I had to run from there right to band, and we basically finished up the forms for the pre-game show, which is great....
I spent most of tonight doing homework, though before I left the Hall of Music, I did get my uniform, which is completely awesome.
I also had two completely random encounters today with people I know from outside of Purdue. One was with Sawyer Sparks, who is a guy from the Bloomfield area, who transferred to Purdue this year. The other was this: I was sitting in the Hall of Music, waiting to go get my uniform, when around the corner comes this one little girl that I had to supervise during my stint as a helper at the Shawnee Children's Theatre this year. I knew this girl was from West Lafayette and that her dad was a professor or something at Purdue, but I never expected to run into her! I guess her dad is actually Michael Plake, who is basically the director's executive assistant, so I've been under his direction like every day.... that was so completely random.
That about wraps it up for today....

Monday, August 21, 2006

First Day of Class

Well, my first day of classes went fine. It was long... I had math in the morning, then a big of free time where I posted earlier, then I had to go to a Chem class followed directly by a beginning engineering class. All the classes were a bunch of "What do you expect from this class and what we expect from you yada yada stuff" that you had to listen to. Then I had another big break in the afternoon, I went and scheduled an appointment for my second and final chickenpox vaccine shot. In band today, we got our first charts and we learned how we will make the floating PURDUE letters on the field... I'm in the second U, down near the bottom of the left hand line. So my first time looking at drill charts. Interesting.
Tonight I got some homework done, but pretty much nothing interesting happened today.

Lazy Day...

Just to clarify, this is sunday's post. Yes, I've taken my first class, which went fine, but right now I don't know when I'll get a chance to post again, because I don't know how intense things will get this week.
So yesterday, I slept in till 12:00 and I didn't go to church, and I kind of feel bad about it, but I'm sure God understands my severe need for sleep. anyway, hopefully I won't have to skip anymore. Anyway, after I woke up, I had to eat lunch and go to a survey thing conducted by UCLA for all the incoming freshmen, they wanted to know everything about our opinions and stuff. I flew through it, because the survey was at 2:00, and I had a welcome reception for the first-year engineering honors program at 2:30, so that was pulling it close, but I made it. That reception lasted forever, and then I had a floor meeting where they gave us more general information about Cary Club, the residence government, and the ground rules, and what our R.A. had planned for us as far as activities, and stuff like that. That was at 5:00. After that I was free, so after that I went out for pizza (students get a $6 discount on a large pizza from pizza hut!), played some ping-pong and foosball, and just sat around socializing. that was pretty much my day from start to finish.
This morning.... 7:30 classes are chilly, I found that out. Note to self: wear jeans on Wednesday.